Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Panasonic Toughbook Laptop? Need warning surrounded by purchsing a used one...?

I would similar to to purchase a used panasonic toughbook laptop, basically,what used models should I be looking for that are reliable and promptly? Looking to spend no more than $350.00 ( looked on ebay -large selection) Will be using the computer for mainly wireless internet and microsoft word.

What is the minimum Processor Speed,Memory (RAM),Processor Type,Hard Drive Capacity, and Operating System should i be buying ??


Toughbooks are overpriced because of their 'ruggedized' cover - so you won't get as much computer as near another brand. Of course, since you are shopping specifically for a toughbook, presumably you have call for for that.

Basically, just take the most your budget can handle. If you want to maximize your performace on an elder machine, I suggest forgoing Windows and installing a user friendly Linux close to Ubuntu - it comes with Openoffice, which is virtually similar to MSWord (and is 100% compatible with your MSWord files). Wireless internet usually works out of the box and take some minimal configuring if it doesn't (Similar with window, except in window it's a pain to take it working if it doesn't automatically...). Best of all, Ubuntu us free and have free updates for life.

Anyway, I would suggest a processor no slower than 800 Mhz and not smaller number than 256 MB or RAM as my 'bare minimum' specs when shopping for a machine. RAM is more influential than CPU speed, although it can usually be upgraded relatively cheaply after the fact. Hard drives are effortless to replace as well, so if you find one that's reliable except it has a 10GB knotty drive, don't discount it.

The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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