Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Please Help: IBM t40 wireless adapter?

I have the hard drives swapped yesterday between two ibm t40 laptops and immediately my laptop will not connect to my wireless router. I can use the Ethernet connection only fine and it says the adapter dub is Intel (r) pro/100VE. When I select function F5, I get a make a note of that says IBM wireless adapters are not installed on this system.

My Macbook connects freshly fine to my wireless router as does the other t40 laptop. Can someone please tell me if in attendance is a driver or adapter or something I can download to enable the wireless radio on the laptop so I can use the wireless piece? I tried to figure it out myself via the following association from ibm’s website but am afraid to download the wrong thing and brand name things worse.


I am using Windows XP Pro with service pack 2.

Thank you for any sustain.


Try scanning your laptop near www.driveragent.com. Although your laptops are the same the wireless adapter might change. Driver Agent will scan your computer for hardware and tell you if the drivers are up to date.

Good luck!

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