Okay, Whenever I have itunes or similar spread out and play music at 25-50% volume, my computer runs like it should, no problems whatsoever..
However, when I bring it up to similar to 80-90% volume the greenlight that indicates that hard drive is spinning go solid green, and the computer locks up hard core. The music still plays but every other program won't respond. I enjoy to hit the mute button on the front of the computer, wait a minute, after when the mute command goes through, everything is put money on to normal. Programs interested quickly ect..
Which lead me to believe that the speakers are causing some sort of enigmatic interference with the Hard Drive.
Any thinking, world?
I doubt it. Your PC speakers should be shielded so they won't cause interference.
Try moving them as far away from your tower as possible. 80-90% volume may also be fragment of the problem, your speakers may not be capable of playing that loud. Try better speakers.
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